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Haines, Root, DelSignore tapped to receive alumni awards

Ken Haines  A. Jay Root  Logan DelSignore

From Left: Ken Haines, A. Jay Root, and Logan DelSignore

今年的获奖者包括肯尼斯·海恩斯,1950届毕业生,PSC名誉教授 of modern languages, to be awarded the Alumni Achievement award posthumously; A. 米纳尔县卫生局局长杰伊·鲁特将获得杰出奖 Service award; and Logan DelSignore, Class of 2012, a local realtor and entrepreneur will receive the Young Alumni Achievement award.

Ken Haines to receive Alumni Achievement award posthumously

Ken Haines

Ken Haines

前教授肯尼斯·海恩斯(Kenneth Haines)在该学院任教了44年,人们都记得他 尤其对他对成千上万的学生产生的影响表示喜爱和感激 his guidance and encouragement in and out of the classroom.

1952年,海恩斯在学院开始了他的教学生涯,担任外语教师 languages. 他教法语、西班牙语、德语和英语,直到1999年退休 1996年,他被授予现代艺术学院名誉教授 Languages.

除了被WV Gov选为杰出的西弗吉尼亚人之外. Caperton in 1996 and as a Distinguished West Virginian by WV Gov. Bob Wise in 2001, Haines was also recognized with the following honors: WVU Honorary Degree; Doctor of Humane Letters; Outstanding Professor Award; Distinguished Service Award; and the W.E. Michael Community Citizen Award. His name was inscribed on the Duke Anthony Whitmore/Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Academic Achievement Wall at Potomac State College as well. 

海恩斯是凯泽人,1950年在十大网赌靠谱信誉平台获得副学士学位. He 1952年在十大网赌靠谱信誉平台获得学士学位,1953年获得硕士学位.  He also studied at La Sorbonne in Paris, France via a Fulbright Fellowship; at Indiana University; Laval University in Quebec City, Canada; and at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.

1988年,他的一群朋友设立了肯尼斯·富兰克林·海恩斯奖学金 以确保人们永远铭记他为国家做出的杰出贡献 以及他对以前和未来学生的承诺. Haines has also given back to the College with the establishment of the Dr. Nancy M. Miller Scholarship Fund.

海恩斯是许多专业组织的积极成员,包括 American Association of Teachers of French, German and Spanish; Phi Delta Kappa; the Modern Language Association; the American Council on Teaching Foreign Languages; and the West Virginia Foreign Language Teachers Association. He was also a faithful 凯泽长老教会和凯泽扶轮社的成员,持有许多 leadership positions within those organizations.

此外,Haines担任秘书、财务主管超过20年 担任学院校友会主席及校务委员会秘书 Foundation, Inc. 此外,他还担任过教师俱乐部主席,是一名 是学生自治协会的教职员发起人,并担任教职员顾问 for 28 years to the Sigma Phi Omega Honor Society.

在他的职业生涯和生活中,海恩斯喜欢参加各种活动和事件 他还自愿参加各种项目.

A. Jay Root to receive the Distinguished Service Award

A. Jay Root

A. Jay Root

自从冠状病毒肆虐以来,鲁特对学院的帮助很大 pandemic in 2020. He has been instrumental in providing return to campus COVID 2020年秋季对教职员工和学生进行测试以及监控 testing throughout the fall of 2021. He has served as a knowledgeable county resource for COVID-related data and important public health issues. Additionally, he has supported several COVID and flu vaccine clinics on campus. 

鲁特是凯撒本地人,毕业于凯撒高中. He attended 然后从十大网赌靠谱信誉平台毕业并获得文学学士学位 degree in biology.

1999年,他开始了他的公共卫生事业,在卫生保健署工作,专注于环境 健康作为一种卫生主义者,识别风险并执行环境法规; health and safety.

然后,在2005年,他担任了MCHD的管理员,这是他的职位 held for the past 16 years. He also serves as the Regional Threat Preparedness Coordinator for the Eastern Public Health Response Team.

在他的职业生涯中,鲁特曾在30多个地方和州委员会任职 包括WV地方卫生部门协会,WV公共卫生伙伴关系, and the Public Health Threat Preparedness Oversight Committee.  He served 担任WV家庭资源网络推广服务委员会副主席 and Building Safety Enforcement Agency. He served as president of the WV Association 地方卫生部门、WV卫生工作者协会、矿物县学前班 Policy Council and the Local Emergency Planning Committee.

鲁特和他结婚21年的妻子贝琪以及他们的三个孩子住在凯撒, Peyton, Brayden and Jayden.

Logan DelSignore to receive the Young Alumni Award

Logan DelSignore

Logan DelSignore

Logan DelSignore, 2012届毕业生,目前就职于Coldwell Banker Home Town Realty and has been with them since 2014.

在科德威尔银行任职期间,DelSignore在同行中得到了认可 被评为2017年、2019年和2019年西弗吉尼亚州排名第一的科德威尔银行家经纪人 2020. 他于2019年被提名为科德威尔银行家国际30位30岁以下人士 也被评为2019年矿物县年度最佳青年职业球员. DelSignore 也是“更绿的草坪护理和景观美化”的前任老板吗. 

作为Keyser的终身居民,DelSignore获得了商学副学士学位 2012年获得十大网赌靠谱信誉平台管理学学士学位,并获得商学学士学位 administration from WVU in 2014, graduating  magna cum laude.

除了担任凯泽高中橄榄球队的助理教练, Delsignore是Keyser社区的积极参与者,志愿奉献他的时间 并在几个地方委员会任职,包括矿产县发展局, 凯泽扶轮社(前社长,2020-2021)及J. Edward Kelley Society (past-president, 2013-2014 and 2019-2020).